This setup isn't network aware, so you cannot monitor the status of the garage door or add/remove keyfobs remotely. You're getting short on digital pins on a standard UNO/Leonardo, so you'd probably want a Mega if that was something you wanted. I will probably add that in the future. I've never done WiFi with the Arduino, so this would be a good opportunity. I'll probably also look at adding a real time clock module so I can permit access only within certain windows (such as giving spare fobs/cards to family but only allowing entry during the day).
First you'll need an Arduino. I've used both UNOs and Leonardos with this build and they both work great. You'll also need an RC-522 reader, available on Amazon and eBay. This is easy to integrate with Arduino. Extra cards/fobs are also nice, and you'll want to get ones that work with "Mifare" in the 13.56Mhz band. These are also available for cheap in bulk from the 'Bay.
You'll also want to use some sort of relay or transistor as your output. In this case I used a regular Arduino-compatable relay module. I liked that it gives me an audible click for testing purposes, but a solid state relay or transistor would do just as well to trigger a garage door opener (which just momentarily touches two wires together).
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RC-522, with right angle pins (included) soldered on |
Hook the pins up as follows:
* 3.3V on Arduino to the 3.3V on the RFID reader.
* Pin 9 on Arduino to RST on RFID.
* Pin 10 on Arduino to SDA on RFID.
* Pin 11 on Arduino to MOSI on RFID.
* Pin 12 on Arduino to MISO on RFID.
* Pin 13 on Arduino to SCK on RFID.
* Red LED to Arduino Pin 7
* Green LED to Arduino Pin 6
* Blue LED to Arduino Pin 5
* Finally, your output relay on Arduino Pin 4
* There's an option for a reset button to be used on Pin 3. This reset button will wipe the memory of all cards, so you can start fresh. This is nice when you're first playing with things.
The code from Miguel is annotated to allow for both common anode or common cathode RGB LEDs.
First time you boot it up, watch your serial console in the Arduino IDE to make sure you know what's going on. The first card you scan becomes the "master" card that puts the system into program mode (where you can add or remove cards).
Once you scan a master card, put the system into program mode. All three colors will flash in sequence. Now begin scanning additional cards. A successful "add" will be followed by two green flashes. If the card is already part of the system, then scanning it again removes it. Successful removal is indicated by two blue flashes. You'll see this written verbosely in the serial console. The LED feedback is needed once you install it in the field.
Cards are stored in the ATmega's EEPROM and so will survive a loss of power. This EEPROM has a limited number of writes (about 100k), but can be read unlimitedly. Realistically you could add and remove cards in normal usage for years before you hit the write limit.
I breadboarded mine, with an LED hooked up to the output to see how well it operated.
Then it went into a case I had lying around.
In the right photo you can see the two relay module at the bottom.
I used a Rugged Circuits Aussie Shield to connect everything up in the finished product. This was just easier than soldering a prototype shield, which would have been much cheaper. This is a great product to use, and in the future will be much easier to repurpose than a soldered up protoshield.
The wires coming into the case include the five control wires for the RFID reader and the four wires for the RGB feedback LEDs. There's also two wires that tie into the garage door opener's button circuit. I made the wiring harness myself, which is why the level of craftsmanship is so unbelievably high.
I have intentionally left the reset button off the physical build (but in the software). This means that to reset (erase all the memorized cards, including the master) the system, you need to manually jumper pin 3 to ground. To me, this works, since I don't want someone who is clicking buttons to accidentally reset everything.
You'll also notice that I used a separate box for the "brains" of the system, the Arduino and relay. My initial inclination was to shove this all into a single gang box with only a power wire and the garage door triggers coming in/out. My wife insisted that it be "hack proof", so I put the smarts (and the garage hook ups) on the inside. If you take off the wall plate outside, in order to hack into the system you'd still need to simulate the RFID board (protocol and the correct key codes).
I hotglued the RFID board directly to a plastic faceplate. This doesn't seem to interfere too much with the signal, but you do have only a couple of millimeters range to begin with. You basically need to touch the fob to the plate to get a read. This is a little more awkward with the credit card style than it is with a keyfob.
Here's the finished outdoor portion, with my wiring harness fed through a hole into the garage. The box (initially surface mounted) has been recessed into the garage trim.
The blue is intentionally dim. I put an extra resistor on that part of the circuit when I put the recessed box together so that it wasn't a bright blue beacon for the neighborhood. The green and red are of "normal" brightness to give a clear indication of a read.
Overall this was a simple build, since it doesn't involve network access or a RTC. However, since it doesn't use those you get a rather "dumb" appliance. This can be good, since it seems like the more functionality you add, the more points of failure you encounter. I'm also only using one output. I've got an extra relay that might find some usage in the future.